I have a lot of people ask to read my work, enough to where I have decided to put a little bit out there for public consumption. But after looking around at blogs and websites, I quite decided that I simply couldn't accept a page of text in a blog or a colored link of a file download. I'm a little too visual for that to be acceptable. Presentation is important to me.
That is why I've fashioned a little cozy place for you, dear reader, called The Reading Room. It is one that I hope you will enjoy, as much as I do. It's very pretty. And allows for the possiblity to illustrate a little as well. The only the thing I must caution you about it is this: it takes a moment or two for the site to open up in new window. Don't be alarmed by the awful whiteness, it lasts less than 3 seconds with a highspeed connection. I am looking for a better solution though.
The Reading Room displays work by chapter, or in my case, by short story. There is also an Index available that will allow the reader to select by subject, rather than by date of submission, which is the default manner in which stories are displayed--two at a time. To begin with, I do not expect to place a lot of work there. I write very slowly. And I'm a terrible perfectionist who is extremely far from perfection in her writing.
I do have a few little stories I can share right away, however. And with my new adventures in creative writing at the University this fall, I expect to have something finished by the end of the semester that ought to suffice.
I may even let go of the opening chapters of my curent project, The Baker of Benviue, which is sure to delight. But that one is still very much in progress and so I don't dare quite yet.